Friday, May 26, 2006
Wondrous Love
I cling to You with all my strength and soul.
Yet if my hold should ever fail,
This wondrous love, will never let me go.
O wondrous love that's come to dwell in me!
Lord, who am I that I should come to know
Your tender voice, assuring me,
Your wondrous love will never let me go?
I'm resting in the everlasting arms,
In the ever-faithful heart,
The Shepherd of my life.
You carry me on Your mighty wings of grace,
Keeping me until the day I look into Your eyes.
O wondrous love, that sings of Calvary,
The sweetest sound this sinner's ever known;
The song of Your redeeming Son,
Whose wondrous love will never let me go.
I'm resting in the everlasting arms,
In the ever-faithful heart,
The Shepherd of my life.
You carry me on Your mighty wings of grace,
Keeping me until the day I look into Your eyes.
O wondrous love that rushes over me,
I can't escape this river's glorious flow.
You overwhelm my days with good.
Your wondrous love will never let me go.
O wondrous love, O wondrous love.
Will never let me go.
This song brings tears to my eyes every time I listen to it. Just to think of God's truly wondrous love to's indescribable. I can't believe He loves me that much. An unworthy, filthy sinner...yet HE LOVES ME!! I just can't comprehend that. Why would He love me? Why would God love me SO much, He'd send His precious, sinless Son to die MY death? I have yet to understand this. But, I guess that's just what love is. Something you can't comprehend.
I was thinking about God's love today while at work. The kids I work with are truly a blessing. They are some of the sweetest kids I've ever had. One boy had gotten in trouble SO much (yes, I had been a mean one and had disciplined him as best I could while working) and after I had done so, he told someone that I didn't love him any more. I realized then, that yes, I had done my "job" at disciplining him, but I wasn't showing my love for him. So, I went over and talked to him, letting him know how much I do love him, and just wanted him to obey. He then gave me a big hug and said, "I love you, Miss Lisa!" Now, I know to most, that doesn't seem like much, but to me, that meant so much to hear those words come from his mouth. As soon as I get a picture of him, I'll put him on here. His name is Quentin Blount (or just Quentin B) and has a very messed up home life. His dad is in jail yet again and his mom is an alcoholic and doesn't have structure for him. He has learned so much while being here at this school, and I can't thank God enough for that, although he still has a long way to go. But, no matter how bad he is, I love him.
Today was the last day of the school year, which means the summer DayCare starts Tuesday! But it also means that a couple that is very dear to me is leaving that same day to move to Pennsylvania. God has called him there to be a youth pastor (and father in July!!!), so I know they're in God's will. That doesn't help the pain of not having them around any more...but God's in control. They're having a girl due on July 9. I will definitely post a picture of her up here!
Well, my root canal went well today. I was actually pain free during the whole process. But after the numbing medicine wore off...OUCH! But, Tylenol worked wonders! Soon, I'll have my crown put on and be done with it! That's exciting!
My sister is in Chicago. She and 4 of her students and 1 of her best friends are going to Europe this summer. I am so jealous...but I do need to work. But, instead of flying out tonight as they were supposed to, they got caught in a traffic jam (imagine that in Chicago!!!) and missed their flight. They'll head out actually on Sunday. I'm sure they'll all have a great time!
This update is longer than I thought it would be! But, my mom and I are gonna "hang out" tonight, so I shall go. I challenge you all to truly think about the love of God this weekend. Dwell upon it. I'm sure it'll be something you won't regret!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
On another note...
This is me and Danny George (my absolute FAVORITE kid and the one with glasses) and his older brother Joey. Yes, their brothers to Matt George in the previous post. I've taught both of them this past semester and while Danny is my favorite, Joey is close behind him!!
Ok, so enough of the pictures! I have to have a root canal on Friday, so I'm in for a little bit of pain there. I'll be glad to get it over with! My tooth has hurt long enough! I'll never take for granted not have a toothache or any sort of tooth related pain. It is the worst! But, God knows what He's doing, so I know I'll be ok. My summer job starts on Tuesday. I can't wait! It's going to be great! God has done some pretty awesome things in my life recently. He never ceases to amaze me with just how good He is. I keep seeing it over and over again. What a truly awesome God we serve! I would love to write more, but time is getting away from me. I have an early, yet fun filled day tomorrow, so I need my rest. Goodnight all and I promise the next update will be sooner!
Graduation 2006

Matt George. He has become one of my good friends these past few years.

Elizabeth Plumb. She is one of my best friends! I love her so much!

Aw...what can I say about Joel Doty?! He's a great guy. We've had some fun times!!

Where do I begin with him? Ryan Shackelford was my best friend my senior year. He was there for me when nobody else was. He's dating Jill of my GREAT we don't really hang out any more. But, he's still one of my best friends!
I've got some good friends I'll really miss next year, but as I was told my senior year, "If you're true friends, you'll always stay that way." So, I'm sure to be seeing these guys again some day!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Short and sweet...with more to come
How wide is Your love
That You would stretch Your arms
And go around the world
And why for me would a Savior's cry be heard
I don't know
Why You went where I was meant to go
I don't know
Why You love me so
Those were my nails
That was my crown
That pierced Your hands and Your brow
Those were my thorns
Those were my scorns
Those were my tears that fell down
And just as You said it would be
You did it all for me
After You counted the cost
You took my shame, my blame
On my cross
How deep is Your grace
That you could see my need
And chose to take my place
And then for me, these words I'd hear You say
Father no
Forgive them for they know not what they do
I will go
Because I love them so
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I've Got Sunshine
Senior graduation is on Friday. Wow...I can't believe that it's happening already! It's just crazy! Time flies so fast. Seriously it does. But, this means that my summer job is coming closer and that makes me even more excited. I'm hoping that come the end of the summer, I'll still have my sanity...what little there is! I just love kids though. I've already bought some nice books to read them. I always go straight for the kids’ section at Barnes and Noble and other book places I go. They're so fun and cute! But, I'll stop talking about kids' books though.:)
I'm racking my brain to think of something exciting to talk about...but nothing is coming. I'm still boring as ever! I don't even have any fun pictures to post either! Now that's disappointing! But, I guess that's the way things go. I do need to get going and practice my songs for the K5 program. So...I guess that's it. Thanks to all who have made it this far in reading this mostly pointless blog. Have a good one!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 more pictures!!:)

Wow...what a lot of pictures!! But, I hope you enjoyed them...maybe I'll add more sometime soon. Later loves!
The Fear of the Lord
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. -C.S. Lewis
I found this quote and really liked it. It's so true!
So, tomorrow is a baby shower for Beth Rebert. I still can't believe she is pregnant...and moving! How sad is that?? I won't get to see this cute little girl when she's born! I only hope to have pictures of her. When I get some, I'll post them here so you can see her. Her name is going to be Kylie Sue, Kloe Noelle, or Lilly Grace. I'm not sure which one I like best. Probably Lilly...or Kloe. I don't know. It's a tough choice. Anyway...I think the shower will be tons of fun! I love Beth and am so sad that she's moving to Pennsylvania...but I do know that it's God's will for her and Paul...but it's still sad to see them go.
You know...I sit and think about what I want to write well before I write it. Then I sit down to write and I forget half of what I wanted to say! wrong is that? Oh well. Maybe I can think of something else to say!:)
Oh yeah...I wanted to put up some pictures. I'll do that on another blog. I want to put up several!:) Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Day 2

Well, I was able to search this thing and add some different things. Yay! I'm so excited. I love these things. So far, I've been able to find some people that I haven't talked to in a while. It's been great!
So here I am at home, listening to the not-so-peaceful sounds outside. There's a tree outside my window that is dead and has been leaning for a while now. My dad called these people..."Doug's Tree Service" to come and cut the tree down so it won't fall on the house. Well, this was at least 2 weeks ago. The guys came out and chopped some of the branches off and the other tree that this dead one was leaning on, and then had to stop because they realized they needed a bucket truck to finish the job. Well, they didn't come back and didn't come back and finally my dad called again. This "Doug" guy told my dad several times, "Yeah...I'll be back tomorrow!" And as you might can guess...his "tomorrow's" came and went. So, finally, today they're back...and without a bucket truck. Some people are really not too bright!
On Friday, I'm babysitting for 4 boys...OY!! What have I gotten myself into! I honestly don't think they'll be TOO much trouble...but I guess we'll just have to wait and see about that one. Other than that...this is a boring week! I can only hope that something exciting happens.
My summer job starts in 20 days. I am so excited I can't wait! Let's just say...11 hours a day, 5 days a week with 3-7 year much better can it get!?!!! Remind me of that come August. I MAY get sick of them...but I don't think so. I love the kids I'll have, and I couldn't be more excited.
Well, it's already 4 o'clock and I have gotten so little accomplished today. So, I better get off of this thing and do some other more profitable things. Later!
Monday, May 08, 2006

Yay....I spiced it up some!:) I'm not really good at this yet, so bare with me as I fumble around here to make this look nice. I decided to put a picture on here of me and my best friend, Lindsay Weinholdt. She was at BJ with me, but God has chosen to take her back to Colorado for now. I miss her so much! This was taken before an Artist Series when she did my hair. It looked AMAZING! She's the best...seriously!:) Anyway, I'll be spicing this up and putting up more pics later, I'm sure! I guess I should be done for tonight, huh? Well, I'll update later. Goodnight!