Well, I was able to search this thing and add some different things. Yay! I'm so excited. I love these things. So far, I've been able to find some people that I haven't talked to in a while. It's been great!
So here I am at home, listening to the not-so-peaceful sounds outside. There's a tree outside my window that is dead and has been leaning for a while now. My dad called these people..."Doug's Tree Service" to come and cut the tree down so it won't fall on the house. Well, this was at least 2 weeks ago. The guys came out and chopped some of the branches off and the other tree that this dead one was leaning on, and then had to stop because they realized they needed a bucket truck to finish the job. Well, they didn't come back and didn't come back and finally my dad called again. This "Doug" guy told my dad several times, "Yeah...I'll be back tomorrow!" And as you might can guess...his "tomorrow's" came and went. So, finally, today they're back...and without a bucket truck. Some people are really not too bright!
On Friday, I'm babysitting for 4 boys...OY!! What have I gotten myself into! I honestly don't think they'll be TOO much trouble...but I guess we'll just have to wait and see about that one. Other than that...this is a boring week! I can only hope that something exciting happens.
My summer job starts in 20 days. I am so excited I can't wait! Let's just say...11 hours a day, 5 days a week with 3-7 year olds...how much better can it get!?!!! Remind me of that come August. I MAY get sick of them...but I don't think so. I love the kids I'll have, and I couldn't be more excited.
Well, it's already 4 o'clock and I have gotten so little accomplished today. So, I better get off of this thing and do some other more profitable things. Later!
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