Sunday, June 18, 2006

Much to say...not enough words

Well, I tried to update the other day, but my computer did something funny to erase it. Anyway, I'll update now...although, I'm warning you now, it could be long! I updated a few days ago to talk about God leading in different and new directions. As most of you know, God called me away from BJ and is leading me up to Maranatha in August. I couldn't be happier. I'm truly excited about going to college there. As for the other direction...well, I'm not too sure about that one yet. I work at a summer daycare and have for the past 4 summers. It's wonderful. I love the kids...the atmosphere...the aspect of teaching kids some things they have never been taught before and seeing that light come on in their eyes that they finally get something or that new piece of information has been told to them and they love it. I absolutely love the children I'm around every day (though some of them do get annoying) and wouldn't change it for the world. Yet, I can't help but feel the tug at my heart for something else, something...different. It has been a dream of mine to work at a camp. I love camp. LOVE it. When I worked at my church camp, I was so sad to see the day come that we had to go. I really miss going to the camp my school used to go to the first week of school. I just miss camp altogether. I want to work a summer at least once. I'm praying God will lead me there. Who knows where? There are some really good ones. Northland is a big one...CoBeAc is really good...Lucerne is another good one (though being all the way in California is a little hard), and then the Wilds is another great one. I'm sure there are several other ones that are out there. I just want it once. I'm praying God will lead me that way...IF it's His will. I would gladly do the summer daycare again. I'm just...burnt out on it. I need a break from it. 4 summers is a pretty long time to keep doing the same thing over and over again. A break would be nice. Hopefully, I'll get one. But, if not...I'll just thank the Lord for a good job that pays.

On another note...I will hopefully get to see my best friend in a couple weeks. I'll be flying out to Colorado to see Lindsay. I can't wait. I haven't seen her since January when I left BJ and I miss her like crazy! I need to see her and talk with her...face to face. I hope God will work it all out. I just need to make sure the days I have free are ok with her family and then the plane ticket! So, just a little bit more and then we'll see. I can't wait. I've never been to Colorado, so it'll be nice to see some of it and be with Lindz. It'll be amazing.

God has been truly amazing. Especially here recently. He's really shown me more about him. Tonight at church, Pastor Kevin Plew preached. He was one of my first high school (ok, so it was really junior high, but it's practically the same!) teachers. I always enjoyed his teaching and when he spoke. Tonight was no exception. He spoke on being separate from the world and how we as Christians need to be in the world but not of the world. It was something I really needed. A message that I had been trying to forget. I was trying to live as close to the world as I could while still being a "Christian." Well, tonight I really got rebuked and am slowly learning about separating myself. It was a great message that I needed. God has also been teaching so much through different things. My devotions, other people that I respect, and just different circumstances He's brought into my life. It's been a trying time...but a time I won't ever take for granted. God's giving me such a passion to serve God in whatever area He's calling me to. More and more I can feel the tug to go elsewhere, besides Anderson, Indiana to serve Him, and I really want to follow Him. I can't wait to see where He does lead me. It'll be interesting...but I'm excited.

This isn't as long as I thought it would be. That's a good thing! My day starts at 4:30 tomorrow morning, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, what will our parents do if BOTH of us end up not staying around home the rest of our lives? ;)