Monday, November 06, 2006

One More Memory

This week is going to be filled with "one more" things. I have one more Sunday until I go home for Thanksgiving. I'll have one more Monday until I go home too. I have a countdown feature on my cell phone and it's counting down the days. It's at 12 days, 2 hours, and some odd minutes. I can't wait to be home. I can't wait to see my Dad, Mom, Sister...just to be home. I'm ready for a break!

Yesterday was a great day at church. Pastor Loggans preached a great message in the morning. He got me thinking about memories. He preached on Joshua 4 where the Israelites were to build a memorial of rocks so when their children asked about it, they could tell them the story of how God led them across the dry land. I started thinking about my family and memories that I have made over the years. I've made so many with my sister. She's my best friend and I can't wait to spend time with her making more memories. Some of our best memories are from when we were little, playing Barbie dolls during the WHOLE summer! Fun times right there! (Hey Sherry--"LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!!!) I remember when I was really little, my Dad would sit in the living room of our house, look over at me, and start saying (real slow) "I'm...gonna...get....that..." and he usually would never finish it because I'd run to my Mom for cover because I knew he'd chase me and start to tickle me. Well, he wouldn't be right after when I ran into my Mom...and didn't see him, I'd sneak back out to see where he was. Usually he'd be right there in the living room still...waiting for me to come back. A memory with my mom is when my sister and I were young, in the summer (before my mom got a job) we'd all 3 sit in the living room and my mom would read to us. We'd go through different books in the summer but one of my favorites was "The Secret Garden." She'd read to us and my sister and I would "fix" her hair. Then we'd eat lunch or start dinner or whatever else needed done after the reading time was over. I used to go over to my Granny's house during the summer. My Mom told me that she was watching me, but I sometimes wondered who was watching who!! But she'd get on her most comfortable dress and sit on the floor with me and we'd play different games. We'd go on walks and feed the ducks that were always by her apartment building. I remember going over to my Grandma and Grandpa's house for Thanksgiving get-together's with the whole family. My Grandpa would be sitting in his chair with his white socked-feet bouncing to music or watching "da Bears" play football. I remember too, going to the nursing home my Great-Grandma was in and we'd see her and she'd always say, "I'm ready to go home. I wish my Lord would take me now." Now, my Great-Grandma and my Grandpa are both in Heaven and we don't have those get-together's as much any more. My Grandma is getting older and more frail so we don't play games any more...but I still go over and this time, I really do watch and help her. My Mom doesn't read to us any more, and my Dad doesn't chase me (or act like he is). My sister and don't play Barbie's or with any other dolls any more.

Things have changed a lot since "the good ol' days." God's taught me so much, and is still teaching me every day. I have fond memories of my childhood days, and I think of them a lot and miss them. But God's been so good in the 22 years I've been here. At times, I want those days to be here again. I want to see my Great-Grandma and Grandpa again. I want to just sit and play with my sister. But, what I realize I really want, is life to be "simple" again. But life goes on...and God get more real each and every day. I have a few words to say to people. To my Dad: you are my hero and the man I look up to most. You are my first love and I can't thank you enough for the example you have set for me. Thanks for always guiding me and being my source of wisdom and strength. I love you, Daddy! To my Mom: You've worked hard all these years to raise me in a godly way, and I thank you for that. Thank you for teaching me things that nobody else could. Thanks for your love and always being there for me. I love you, Mom! To my sister: You are truly my best friend. You've taught me how to become a godly woman (though I'm not there yet) and you've set an example for me that I can never repay to you. Thank you for taking the time to teach me and show me the way to Christ. Your heart for serving God is a rebuke. Thank you for always being there when I needed to talk, and I hope I can repay you one day. I love you, Sherry. To my "big brother" Jeremiah: Thank you for giving me someone to pick on. Thank you for your advice and godly leadership you've shown me and the words of wisdom you've bestowed upon me. Your example and friendship are irreplaceable in my life. Thank you for encouraging me and helping me when I needed a "big brother." I love you, Jer. And last, but NOT least, to Lindz: You've become like another sister to me. You're one of my best friends. You are a true blessing from God. He sent you in my life, when I needed you most. Thank you for always being a true friend. Sharing secrets and always being there to give me a hug when I needed one. You were there for me when nobody else was, I can never repay you for your friendship you've shown me! I miss you more than words can say. I cherish you an our friendship. I love you, Lindz!

God has certainly blessed me beyond imagination with these relationships. I have many memories stored up, and I can't wait to make more. God is AMAZING. Simply amazing. He's taught me to depend more on Him and just how important the power of prayer really is. I encourage you all to take time today, right now, and thank Him for all the many wonderful things He's done in your life. I've started carrying around cards with verses on them to really hide God's word in my heart. I also started a "Prayer Box." I have cards in there for specific requests to pray for. God's already used this to bring me closer to Him. It's an awesome feeling to know I can talk to God whenever...and know that He will hear me. Go to Him. Through all the changes He's made in my life, I've realized He is all I need. This song is taking a new meaning in my life. I love this song. Read and meditate on the words. May you strive to finish this semester out strong...and may you make some great memories with your friends and families over Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. Who knows how many more we'll have together? Cherish the moment.

Oft time I've tried to live my life according to my will;
When darkness comes it's difficult to rest and just be still.
But Lord, You are my Shepherd; Who guides me in the way.
And I will learn this glorious truth if I Your Word obey.

You're all I need. You're the Lord of everything.
All I need. This is why I humbly sing:
Your strength is sustaining and Your grace has made me free.
You're my hearts lone desire, You're all I need.

By wanting more I've wanted less than all You've given me.
You gave Your all by laying down Your life at Calvary.
So I surrender all, Lord my best to you I give,
And thank You now for giving me a reason to live.

You're all I need. You're the Lord of everything.
All I need. This is why I humbly sing:
Your strength is sustaining and Your grace has made me free.
You're my hearts lone desire, You're all I need.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahaa.....I miss Barbie days so much. Ah, the fun times we had. Remember "POKE!" Oh, man, I laughed forever...shoot, I still laugh! :) And how about, "Steppin' out with my baby..." Oh yeah. Fun times. And remember Jo-Jo and the Beautiful Dolls and playing "house?" Wow. The fun. I miss being a kid sometimes. I love's to Thanksgiving! Fun times await!