Well, I've made it. I have made it to the last week of real classes for this semester. It feels good. It'll feel even better though when all finals are done and I am home for Christmas break! 3 weeks. That sounds sooo nice right now. I actually shouldn't be taking time out to write, but I figured I should since I haven't in a few days. And I had something to talk about! Today we had Dean's Chapel. Can I say now that Mrs. Brown is an AMAZING woman? Because she completely is. I could sit and listen to her for hours, not even joking. I really enjoyed what she said today about worship. I am exactly that way. I don't think enough about the words I'm singing but rather who's hearing me and if my voice sounds good. I'm more worried about what I'll have for lunch than the message being preached. I'm more concerned with the tests I have coming up or projects due the next day. So many other things consume my thoughts when God should be the only one. I was so rebuked today to hear that we should be truly worshipping in EVERYTHING we do. Every day should be a day when we worship God. I started reading "The Disciplines of a Godly Woman" but haven't made it too far (shows how disciplined I am!) but it's been good to read the first couple of chapters. I recommend it. I hope to read it more over Christmas break (I say that, but I doubt I will!). I picked up a book by C. J. Mahaney over Thanksgiving break. Okay, actually 2 books. One is called Humility (my roommate has read it and I can't wait to start--even though it will probably be the hardest book to read!--but I've started reading the other book. It's called, "Living the Cross Centered Life." I've read the Introduction and Forward and already I've been rebuked! It's amazing so far. I love how the introduction starts out like this: "Each of our lives is centered on something. What's at the center of yours?" It asks then what is our "second to none" priority? And let me tell you...that's a thought provoker! I had to sit and think for a few seconds to really see what was at the center of my life. I have always thought myself to be passionate about serving God. But after reading just a the few pages I already have of this book, I realize that HE is not my passion as He should be.
The cross so easily gets taken out of our every day thoughts. We get saved and for a few days we think about the cross and Christ dying for us. Then, after a few weeks, maybe a month or 2, we forget about the cross. We see it as something to just talk about when we are giving the gospel to someone that is lost. We see it as something to just think about when someone talks about how they got saved. This is me too. Not thinking about Christ's death very often. Not thinking about the pain, suffering, agony, DEATH He went through on that cross...for me. Why? Why is that fact so often cast out of my thoughts? For me personally, I take my salvation completely for granted. The amount of time I have spent out on State Street, seeing these people searching for something more...for happiness...for that moment, that time I see that unsaved person, I thank God for His gift to me. Then the night goes on and I forget about it. The next week comes and it's an endless cycle. Why? Why do I always take the precious, priceless gift of salvation for granted? Maybe it's because I think God owes it to me. Maybe it's because I think, "Of course I'm saved. Do you know who I am?" Maybe it's because...and the list could go on with empty answers. The true reason I do, I think it's because I see it too often. I'm around people that call themselves Christians ALL the time. I'm around them at school, at church, at home...in all the places I get to interact with people so intimately I'm surrounded by Christians. Now, I'm not saying I desire to be put into a situation where there are no other Christians around. But I don't see the unsaved often. I don't think of the life I used to live. I don't see people that act like I used to before I was saved. I don't associate with that life any more. Praise the Lord for that! But it's put out of my mind so much and so often, I just don't even think about what Christ really did for me. When I stop to think about it, it literally brings me to tears. All that Christ went through so that I could go to Heaven, where I most certainly do NOT deserve to go. Think of it. Isn't the power of the gospel, the mighty power of the cross something we all should be meditating on every day? Shouldn't we be constantly thanking God for this gift? A saying that C. J. Mahaney puts in his book that I really like is this: "The first and most important thing you can do--always--is simply to make sure the gospel is at the very center of your life." This is something I'm really trying to do. Make the gospel--the cross-- the center of my life. I'd like to share 2 more quotes that are put into this book. I believe they are some of the best so far...with more to come I'm sure. "We never move on from the cross, only into a more profound understanding of the cross." "By better understanding His suffering, we'll grow in a consistent joy and zeal that will equip us for whatever trials God brings our way in the process of our sanctification."
How deep the Father's love for us
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the Man upon a cross
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
Monday, December 04, 2006
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Wow. Good Stuff here.
I'm glad you're coming home...soon!
I will update this weekend, maybe. I have WAY too much to do this weekend. AUGH!
And besides...it's been a few days since YOU updated...lay off!
AND...you are the only one who reads my blogger postings. YOU are the only reason I post here!
Sooo...you should feel special and privileged.
And loved.
School's been icky lately...I'm running away.
I miss you.
So come home.
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