This post should have been up a couple days ago, but alas it wasn't. I had a very good Christmas. This picture shows you what my favorite gift was. That's right folks, I got an iPod. I love it. It's so cool! My sister and I have been downloading music and working with them a lot. We also watched Pirate of the Caribbean 2 and it was really good. Can't wait until they bring out the 3rd...in a YEAR! I hate that movies are so slow like that. The release date is in May, but it won't be out on DVD until next winter, no doubt. Which means, I won't get to see it until then. That's not necessarily by my choice. It all depends on where I'm at in the summer and what their rules are on movie theaters and where my sister is. I most likely won't see it w/o her. But, I suppose it's good to stretch my patience and learn how to wait for things.
A lot of different things have been going through my mind. A lot of which would be too hard to put on here, but I shall try. First, I'm still thinking and praying about next summer, but I'm pretty sure of what I'm doing. After praying and thinking about what I want to do, I think I'm going to sign my contract with CoBeAc for a counselor this summer. I'm really excited about it but I know God has a lot of work to do in me first. It will be so strange not coming back to my job that I always have for the summer (the DayCare job) but I'm certain it will be a nice change. Second, I've been thinking about this coming semester. I'm excited to see it come, not gonna lie, but at the same time, the unknown lies ahead. I know God will bring things in my life where I'm going to have to rely on Him and trust fully in Him (like I should be doing EVERY day!) and I know He has some fun things planned too. I mean, when living in my room, how can you not have fun! :) It's also kind of scary to think about only having a year and a half left. I'll be graduating in a year...and some odd months. Crazy...and scary! Wow. But off that subject...the third thing I've been thinking about is a lot about my own personal walk with God. I know that there have been a lot of entries on here where I talk about my walk with God, but here's another one! :) Lately I've been realizing how much I don't desire God like I should. I think I might have mentioned something about this in the last entry with the service on Sunday. The message really made me think about who God is and that He's not more to me. I don't desire Him as I should. I don't long to spend time with Him like I should. I also realized I'm trying to rely on reading books about desiring God to help me desire Him more. I don't need books...I need to change me. I need to change how I think about things and how I view my relationship with God. No book is going to do that. It has to be me and my actions. Don't get me wrong. I've read some good books that talk about deepening our desire for God. But it's not the book or the words that will change me. It has to be actions and a whole new look at the relationship. I'm trying. It's good to be reminded about what Christ went through for me. It's good that God brings back to my memory that He longs for a deep personal relationship with me. Now that's an amazing thought and concept. He, the almighty, holy, worthy, AMAZING God wants to have a personal, deep relationship with someone as insignificant as me. Praise Him for that. Where would I be with Him? Not only am I striving to desire and long for a relationship with God now, but I'm striving to keep that going so that in a year from now, I can look back and see just how much that relationship has grown.
I guess that about wraps it all up for tonight. I'm finally tired enough to go to bed and sleep! I hope you all are enjoying your Christmas break as much as I am. Relaxation...sleeping in...my own home...home-made food...WARM December temperatures (literally folks, it's warm here in Indiana)...shopping and hanging out with my sister and other friends...yeah, I could get used to this!
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